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Personally, I love having fun with him

Going out with friends. Laughing and Playing. The inside jokes. The love we shared, nothing can replace that.

The times we would hop between theaters at the AMC. Watched about 4 movies every time.

I always loved tagging along with him to go pick up food from Olive Garden. We always joked that there were Oompa Loompas in the kitchen making the food. Whenever we saw a short person walk through the doors we would whisper "Oompa Loompa". It always brought us to tears.

“Are you hungry?”

“No, not really” I replied

“You sure, I can get you some pasta if you want?”

“Yeah, I'm sure”

“Cmon. You need more meat on your bones, I’ll get you some pasta” He smiled then laughed as he poked my ribs.

“Shut up” I laughed

He knew me better than anyone else in the world

The love we shared, nothing could replace that.

At least that’s what I thought.

His friends started getting him into Juul’s and stuff like that

It wasn’t really a problem. Honestly, I would hit some with him too

But then he started hitting heavier things.

Bongs, weed, cigarettes, hookahs

He was always high and always low

He tried to get me into it but after seeing his condition I refused

I even tried convincing him to stop but my efforts were denied, like his phone when I tried to put in the matching passwords we had

He was hiding things

“Why’d you change the password?”


“Why’d you change it?”


“The phone don’t play stupid with me”

“Oh yeah…well I felt like changing it”

“What’s the password then”

“Dont worry about it”

“Well now I have to know because you’re clearly hiding something”

My voice began to escalate in the living room of his single bedroom flat.

“No you don’t” He barked back

His response sent chills into my spine. Why was he shouting at me?

“Well I thought we trusted each other with our phones, you made that rule”

“Well, if you can’t trust me without knowing my password then you shouldn’t be my girlfriend, you B!tch” He shouted

It was as if he took a knife and stabbed into my heart.

We’ve been together for 3 years and he’s never sweared around me, nevertheless even at me.

At this point, I was holding back tears

“You dont mean that”

“I do”

“You’re just high, you dont know what you’re saying, you never do.

Just sitting on that couch, smoking your life away.”

He got up from the sofa and put the blunt on the couch pillow. He started walking towards me.

Eyes red as if he hadn’t met sleep in weeks.

He blew all the smoke in my face like a mystical Chinese dragon.

“Who do you think you are” He began

“I meant what I said, If you can’t trust me…”

He slammed his hand on the table

“then get the Fu!k out of here!”

I shuddered

“Im not leaving”

“You are!”

“No” I shouted

He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me into the wall.

“What are you doing that hurts!” I screamed

I couldn’t get up quick enough


I realized he wasn’t himself anymore

He took a plate of the fine china collection I got for our 3 year anniversary

and smashed it against my head.

My vision was cloudy


He kicked me

The same ribs he used to poke and laugh at, were the same ribs he kicked and screamed at



I tried but my back ached from the impact from the wall


I tried to. I honestly did

The first hit from his fist took me by surprise

I tried to raise my hand and protect myself

I was just waiting for the second and third hit

They arrived faster and faster each time


He couldn't even finish his sentence without coughing heavily

YOU...(cough) YOU... YOU LEAVE”

I couldn’t really hear him

My ears were ringing

Tears were skydiving with no parachute out of my eyes;

meeting their death on the dirty apartment floor


He put his hand around my mouth to silent my sobbing

I could smell the blunt he had just smoked.





I hope you find it interesting

"You can make anything by writing"

- C.S. Lewis

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