
“We’re in this together” John squeezed my hand to comfort me. “The procedure shouldn’t be long”
“Thank You, John”
“No problem, Babe” John smiled and pulled my head into his chest. His body posture seemed chill but his heartbeat whispered his secret to my ear, "He is very nervous"
We sat there in the reception area of clinic. It seemed like the world was empty and it was just us three. I couldn’t care about anything else but us.
I picked up my phone to call Mother but I doubt she would pick up a call from me.
Father already told me that my way of living is a taboo, so he was a no-go. He said I should hope St. Mary forgives me of my sins because they are uncountable.
So all I really had was Jack and Mary.
The nurse kept calling every name except ours. It felt like we were playing the lottery. Every time she came through the gate, my hopes rose up waiting to hear her call out the name of a precious jewel so I could walk through the doors and see how holy and precious Mary is.
Finally our tickets were called.
“Ruby you may now come to the gate, Ruby”
“Let’s go” John helped me up and carried my things. He was always carrying my baggage. I felt terrible for him because they were heavy and he wasn’t the hulk or the Big Show from WWE. He was more like the stick from the apple jacks cereal box. Yet, he still carried my baggage.
We walked through the gates into a separate room. There was a bed in the corner and some screens placed around the room. It was dark and very cold. John helped me to the bed to let me rest.
“I know that short walk felt like a mile to you” He chuckled
“Leave me alone” I whined
The door swung open to the dark room. I turned my face away from the beam of light that shot in. A man walked in with a lab coat. He had a stethoscope laying around his neck like a spoiled woman in her 60s - who had been in and out of 7 marriages - wearing a rabbit fur collar coat
“RUBY!” He shouted my name like a miner who had made the discovery of a lifetime.
“How are you today, My name is Doctor Matthew” He asked
“I’m doing alright” I responded
“Well what are we waiting for lets get started"
He brought a monitor close to the bed I was laying on.
He put on his gloves and said "lemme see your belly."
I don’t know if it was just instinct or trauma from previous relationships that caused me to act the way I did. I Immediately hugged my stomach and said “No, you have no right to come close to us”
“I’m not going to hurt you Ruby” The doctor reassured
John walked towards me and the doctor.
“Hey, Ruby, you know I would never let anyone hurt you” He whispered in my ear
“I don’t trust him John” I said as a tear jumped off the bridge of my rosy cheeks. “I don’t want him to hurt us”
“He won’t Ruby, He won’t” He took his hand and placed it in mine. “Trust me”
If you searched through the browser history of my mind and typed in “Trust me” you would see at least a million results. I’ve heard those words so many times in my life.
But this time felt different. John’s hand felt warm and gentle. His smile made me smile and it seemed to make Mary smile also.
I let go of my stomach.
The doctor took his hand and rubbed some sort of gel on me.
I tightened my hand in John’s.
The doctor brought out a microphone looking device and turned it on.
He placed it on my belly and began to roam around the surface of my stomach.
My anxiety began to rise.
The monitor began to show different images. I wasn’t amazed at all.
We sat there looking at black and white lines for about two minutes.
“Well John, maybe I was wrong, I guess you could leave my life now, just like the rest” I immediately regretted saying that after I said it.
But I got no response...
I felt water dropping on my forehead.
If this was a leak in the ceiling I was gonna vomit.
I glanced up to see John in tears.
“Mary…is that you?” He sobbed “Mary…My Mary?”
I looked at the screen.
Tears began to fall from my eyes too. It was holy and precious.
Right there
Beyond the monitor
Beyond the black and white lines
In the midst
Right in the center
It wasn’t hard to miss
There was the little girl
My Mary